The Insane Cashier: Introduction

Monday, February 6, 2012


I am a college student and a cashier.  I work in the hell that is retail.  Fortunately, it's not always hell.  In fact, I quite enjoy my job.  It's those few annoying customers which I seem to get all too frequently that make me lose more faith in humanity than I ever knew I had, that make me want to go insane.  Why is the URL the Insane Cashier?  Because the url for an angry cashier blog was already taken.  Same with mad cashier and annoyed cashier.  I shake my first at you fellow bloggers!

So, you're probably wondering, who is this guy and where does he work?  Well, I work in a dollar store.  For my own safety and job security I won't say which one.  No, I won't say where.  As for who I am, go back to the beginning of this post.  Now you have all the relevant information you need to know about me.  You don't need to know anything else.  In this blog, I will share my interesting experiences in this purgatory called retail.  Stay tuned.

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