The Insane Cashier: Food stamps

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Food stamps

This post is a Two For One Special.  The other day I had two customers in my line.  I rang up the first man, who reeked of ciggarate smoke.  He got several of those little Five Hour Energy bottles.  I asked him (as I am required to do) if he wanted to purchase any candy from our register area.  He very angrily replied "Do I ever buy candy here?!"  Look, I don't care if you're a regular or not, I see hundreds of people per shift.  I'm not going to remember everyone.  And we have a bunch of regulars, so again, I'm not going to remember everyone.  Being asked if you would like to purchase candy is no reason to be a jackass about it.

The next customer came up and gave her the customary "Hello.  How are you?"  To which she replied "Good now that he's gone."  She went on about how she "can't stand ignorant people" and "how was I supposed to know he never bought candy?"  As I was scanning this customer's order and listening to her, I thought to myself  "I don't care what this customer does, I will love this customer forever."

Seriously, I love it when customers can relate to me like that and are aware of my frustration and even share it.  I finished ringing this customer's order up, which consisted of forty dollars of candy and a few drinks.  She went on to tell me about how her mother was visiting and was making the ultra-long drive home the next day so she wanted to get some candy for her mother for the ride home.  She then pays for it with a food stamp and says "This is why food stamps are great."  Warning: Controversy ahead.

My love for this customer instantly vanished.  Why does candy even qualify for food stamps in the first place!?  You're using MY tax dollars to get a ridiculous amount of candy for YOUR mother to eat on the way home?!  Really?!

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