The Insane Cashier: Breaks and new hires

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Breaks and new hires

Okay, so our company is very strict with breaks.  And not in the way you'd think.  We can get in a lot of trouble if we miss a break, or if our break is even a minute too short.  This is company policy.  And I wish people would realize that, no, no matter how long the line is, an associate cannot open up their register if said associate is on break.  Get over it.

On another note, we already have more employees than we really need.  My boss kept all but two of the holiday employees, so our hours now average around nine to fifteen a week.  Why he didn't let more of the holiday employees go after the holidays is beyond me.  One of them, we'll call him Bob, has the worst work ethic.  He's very slow at the register, horrible at recovery.  He's also downright annoying.  Customers routinely complain about him.  And yet my boss keeps him.

My boss is the greatest, but I don't think he makes the best choices as far as hiring is concerned.  I feel like, and I know that this sentiment is shared by at least one of the assistant managers, he hires/keeps people out of pity.  For example, you know how I just mentioned in the previous paragraph that we already have too many employees?  Well just the other day he hired ANOTHER employee.  What makes it worse is that this lady BARELY speaks English.  Ugh.

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