The Insane Cashier

Monday, March 5, 2012

The other day, Bob, whom I introduced in my previous post, was scheduled to come in about an hour after I was scheduled to come in.  Bob walks up to the assistant manager on duty and asks if he is really needed that day, and if it would be alright if he didn't come to his shift (why he didn't just call is beyond us) because he had a physics project to work on.  The assistant manager said it was okay for him to miss his shift.

I was relieved that I wasn't going to have to put up with him, but I was still aggravated.  It's the principle of the matter.  The guy went home early a couple weeks ago because his back hurt.  What he doesn't seem to get is all our backs hurt sometimes while on the job, but we don't wimp out.  Secondly, he's called out sick about three times since then (keep in mind that this was just a couple of weeks ago) so he has the NERVE to ask off to finish his physics project?!

It's early Sunday evening!  What the hell was he doing all weekend?  I'm a college student, I had four exams coming up that week to study for, plus a Powerpoint presentation that I was going to have to give the next day, yet I came, didn't even think about asking off, and did my shift.  God I hope Bob gets fired.  Soon.

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