The Insane Cashier: Open Registers and Such

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Open Registers and Such

I am sick and tired of people asking me which register is open.  HELLO!  The one with the light on!  I thought that was a common sense thing.  You go to the register with the light that is ON!  There are also people who keep asking where our batteries or glasses are, both of which we keep at the front in plain sight.  If these people would spend thirty seconds looking for this, they wouldn't have to ask!

On another note, the other night I had an Indian couple come through my line.  They got about thirty boxes of movie theater type candy.  Of course, these boxes aren't heavy, so to save bags, I filled each bag before moving on to a new bag.  The man got so upset with the fact that I was doing this.  He started complaining when I filled the first bag "don't make them too heavy!  See now I want you to double bag this because it's too heavy!"  Umm, it's fucking boxes of candy, THEY'RE NOT HEAVY!

At our store, we have two types of carts: Black and grey.  The grey ones lock up automatically in the lobby and won't go outside.   The grey ones will go outside.  The Indian couple had gotten a grey cart, so I was stuck with the dismay of having to explain the carts to them.  The man seemed unable to comprehend the fact that we do have carts that will go outside and said "I need men to help us bring our stuff outside."  Umm, no.  There's only two of us and we are both busy helping other customers.  Get yourself a cart and bring it outside yourself.

Update on Bob:
The other night I found out that our DM was going to be paying a visit the next day.  The manager on duty was allowed to call someone in to help clean up the store.  And who does he call in?  Bob!  Of all people he calls in Bob!  Suffice it to say that our store manager was pretty pissed the next morning when she found out he had called in Bob of all people.

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