The Insane Cashier: Oi

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I'm not feeling well today.  But I had to work.  Of course, by the end of my shift I was ready to get the hell outta there.  But as the manager on duty was taking my till out of my register to count it down, this happened:

Customer with annoyingly high-pitched, squeaky (Think The Nanny but with a somewhat smoother and higher, yet still as squeaky), voice (or Bitch for short): I need help with balloons! Bitch only waits one or two seconds before yelling out no one can help me with the balloons.

Manager on duty (to me): Go help her with the balloons.

Me: Which balloons would you like?

Bitch: Three of these, three of these, one of each of these four...oh, and throw in one of these.

Me: Ugh.  I proceed to pull out the balloons she asked for, only to find we don't have half the balloons she wants.  Ma'am we don't have these ones.

She then takes forever to decide which ones to get instead, only to arrive at this:
Bitch: But you have the ones on display (we keep one of each balloon taped on the wall in the balloon area for display ONLY.)

Me: Ma'am, those are display only.  They aren't for sale.  Bitch continues to whine.  Another manager on duty comes over.  The customer asks him to let her buy some of the display balloons.

Manager: Ma'am, those aren't for sale, they're display only, and they've been up there for so long that they aren't even good anymore.

Bitch: Could you check for me?

It was at this point that the intervening manager mercifully sent me to finish counting down my till and clock out.

Another event that happened today:
A customer wanted to do an exchange.  We can't do refunds--corporate policy.  We also aren't supposed to exchange things for food items, because food items aren't taxable and we'd end up owing the customer money.  This customer wanted to bring back some plastic flowers and get food in exchange.  When we told her she couldn't do that I swear she almost cried.  Get a grip lady.

On a completely unrelated note:
My university recently formed a new fraternity.  At the meeting today the officers were introduced.  Eventually they got to me and introduced me as the PR/Media guy.  This would have been fine HAD I BEEN MADE AWARE OF THIS APPARENT DEVELOPMENT BEFOREHAND!  You don't introduce officers to a bunch of new members unless said officers are aware that they are officers beforehand.

Hell, I don't even know what to do here.  Literally, I know nothing about this.  I designed the website for a related club, but it was through one of those free service websites where you have no control over the layout.  And in that club we have a separate guy for media and PR.  Why the fuck do they think I know anything about this?!

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